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Cradle to Career Workforce Development


The skills we’re able to teach our children and their parents, using integrated real and virtual learning environments, will determine their success in the future.

The Amazon of Workforce Development

Just like the disruption in retail, music and most other industries, the market forces and technology are providing an opportunity to disrupt education for good.
Game-based Participant driven skills learning.
No middleman, no classrooms, just technology connecting the learner and content (created by employers) anywhere and anytime.
A once in a lifetime opportunity for Business to secure some influence over the education of our upcoming generation and ensure the right workforce is available.
An opportunity for Parents and Grandparents to take back some control of the education of their children.
An opportunity for Government to fix education so it can provide an abundant and skilled workforce.


  • Student learning loss and low achievement scores compared to the rest of the world
  • The growing shortage of teachers and classroom learning time
  • Parents wanting to have more influence and visibility into what their children are learning
  • Good government wanting a better education system that uses existing funds more effectively to build the workforce
  • Corporate America wanting to have more influence in the education of their future workforce
  • Corporate America needing to test out and prepare for the Metaverse

Starting when the child comes into this world to the time the Grandparent is focused on leaving their legacy – participant driven, game-based learning can connect and engage the different parties at different stages of their life in becoming a better contributor to their family, community and country.

The global workplace needs a better way to train and validate the skills for the future workforce.
Private enterprise not only needs to be involved in the creation of the learning content, but they also need to be a part of the accreditation and management of the verification of those skills.
The certificates will be stored on the blockchain so the student can own it for the rest of their lives.
Private sector and post-secondary will be part of the creation and accreditation of the skills.

From the time a student starts learning, they need to understand that their responsibility is to acquire skills that will help them become a successful contributor to their family and community.
Their expertise is their greatest asset.
It’s the parent’s responsibility to teach their children the life-skills of success. We help them do that.