Walking the Talk with Dr. Tom Reed
Walking the Talk with Dr Tom is about helping teachers, parents, administrators and lawmakers make the right decisions for their students to properly prepare them for success in their next generation digital worlds.
Episode 1: All Kids Learn
The first episode of this series tackles how all kids learn and how our job is to help them learn the right tools that will allow them to succeed after high school. Watch the first episode to learn how Heroic Game Day is elevating learning in schools across Ohio!
Episode 2: Competition
Welcome to Episode TWO! In this episode, Dr. Tom talks to us about the importance of competition and how to take advantage of it to help our students stay motivated to learn and reach their potential.Join our program here: www.heroicgameday.com
Also check: https://youtu.be/mdA7jD1n2CU
Episode 3: Hope
Welcome to Episode THREE! In this episode, Dr. Tom explores hope as a powerful, uniquely human force to transcend the present and imagine a better future.
Dr. Tom Reed
Thomas Reed graduated from The Ohio State University in 1985 and began a career in public education spanning more than three decades.
He earned a Master of Science degree in Education Administration from the University of Dayton in 1994, and was awarded the prestigious Fawcett Scholar Fellowship at The Ohio State University College of Education where he earned his Ph.D in 2005.
Dr Tom is a former classroom teacher, principal, central office administrator, and district superintendent, Reed has consulted with educational organizations and education resource providers throughout the United States on curriculum and instruction, organizational leadership, emotional intelligence, collective efficacy, and data analysis.
Dr. Tom has taught graduate-level leadership courses at Ohio Dominican University and Ohio State University.